ASIA/PAKISTAN - Over 580 thousand signatures from 100 countries around the world to save Asia Bibi

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - Over 580 thousand people all over the world have signed a petition asking the Pakistani government to free Asia Bibi, a Christian woman unjustly condemned to death for blasphemy. For the woman the process of appeal before the Lahore High Court has started. The case has become a symbol for the persecution of Christians in Pakistan and the abuse of the blasphemy law.
The online petition was launched by the organization "Voice of Martyrs" (VOM) based in the United States, and is still available on the website The organization launched it when a year ago, about 150,000 Christians in Pakistan had started gathering signatures, demanding justice for Asia Bibi and greater protection for religious minorities in Pakistan.
The signatures, VOM refers to Fides, arrived from over 100 countries worldwide and other Christian associations in the five continents, promoted the campaign. The signatures were presented to the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington DC, but the collection continues, with the aim to reach nearly one million.
According to Pakistani officials, it would be a good thing to let the case go through its legal procedures: the verdict of the Court of Appeals, and also that eventually of the Supreme Court, and finally the possibility of a direct appeal to the President of Pakistan. As sources of Fides note, the NGOs that deal with the woman’s case, however, noted that her health is worsening in jail and that "time is running out to save her". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 01/02/2012)
