ASIA/PHILIPPINES - From the Church "a certain hope" for the Filipino people: the Bishops’ message

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Manila (Agenzia Fides) - The Church brings hope, which is the Gospel of Christ, in a country plagued by social, political, economic problems: this is what His Exc. Mgr. Jose Palma, Archbishop of Cebu and the new President of the Episcopal Conference of the Philippines said during the Plenary Assembly of Bishops, recently concluded at the Pope Pius XII Center in Manila. "It is our duty to announce that there is hope in the midst of poverty and suffering", said Monsignor Palma to about 100 brother Bishops present.
In his speech, which Fides received, the Archbishop recalled the recent death of thousands of people in the province of Cagayan de Oro because of the typhoon Sendong, citing other factors that cause "untold suffering": corruption, unemployment, destruction of forests and seas, causing "massive poverty".
The Church of the Philippines, says Mgr. Palma, "is collaborating with the institutions for the adoption of laws and programs that bring growth and development of the country", although "there are dark clouds in the sky," he added, for the comparison between "the main institutions of the country". As sources of Fides note, the reference seems directed to the current conflict between the government of President Benigno Aquino and the Supreme Court, for the trial of impeachment to the President of the Court, Renato Corona.
In the difficult conditions of the present, the Church offers a "certain hope" which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Appealing to the institutions, the Bishops are calling for a rapid solution of the trial of impeachment against the President of the Supreme Court, so that the government begins to "pay attention to the people", thinking and acting "for the common good" and recalling "its duties to the Filipinos": a recent survey, in fact, revealed that, in the last term of 2011, 4.5 million Filipino families suffered hunger.
The Episcopal Conference also urges the government to review its policy in the mining sector, taking into account the impact on the environment. This is of fundamental importance, the Bishops note, "to prevent tragedies associated with environmental degradation", as the one that occurred in recent weeks. Finally, the Bishops appointed the Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao, the national sports hero as "Ambassador of the Bible in the world", who recently spoke about his conversion to Christianity. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 31/01/2012)
