AFRICA/SOMALIA - The cost of food increases, 250 000 people continue to suffer from hunger

Monday, 30 January 2012

Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - After a pause of several months, clashes and feuds have broken out again in Somalia between clans and between 16 and 19 January, eight people died. In the country as well as the lack of security there is also a worsening of inflation. The cost of corn has in fact increased by 15% over the past two months, and 250 000 people suffer hunger. Since July 2011, with the support of the International SOS Children's Villages, engaged in welcoming orphaned children or temporarily taken away from their families, over 78,000 people affected by famine have been saved, through the provision of medical services, food, water and other basic necessities. The goal is to reach 100 000 in the coming months, especially following the forced departure of 16 NGOs from the country.
The hospital 'SOS' is closed and the ' temporary SOS Medical Center ' receives 400 to 600 patients a day. More than 7,300 internally displaced persons who are taken care of each month in the refugee camp of Badbado in Mogadishu. Thanks to therapeutic feeding programs and vaccination to treat diarrhea, measles and malaria, activated in centers, thousands of children and mothers have been saved. In Ethiopia, in Gode, food and water purification products continue to be distributed. In Marsabit, in Kenya, every day 3 000 children are fed through school feeding program 'SOS'. Drinking water is supplied regularly to schools and villages and nearly 2 000 families benefit from free medicines and vouchers for food and food stores. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 30/01/2012)
