ASIA/INDIA - Regional elections in northern India: Hindu nationalists provocative poster

Monday, 30 January 2012

New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - In view of the upcoming elections for the renewal of the local Parliament in Uttar Pradesh (state in northern India), which will begin on February 4, the Hindu nationalist "Bharatiya Janata Party '(BJP) supporter of the Hindu extremist groups responsible for violence against Christians and other religious minorities, inflame voters with a "Manifesto" which local sources of Fides note, "exploites religion for electoral support purposes". The "Manifesto" of the BJP, sent to Fides, announces plans to build a temple to God Rama in the controversial site of Ayodhya and wishes to exclude religious minorities by the share of 4.5% of places reserved for lower castes in public administration.
In the campaign for the local Parliamentary Assemblies which- just after the vote held in the states of Manipur and Punjab - touches the states of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh (overall more than 140 million citizens), the BJP calls together all the violent forces of "communitarianism", inspired by the ideology of Hindutva, which would like "India for Hindus" and is opposed to a secular and tolerant India.
To leverage on voters, the BJP revives the old question of land in the city of Ayodhya, fought between the Hindu and Muslim communities. In 1992, in a tragic attack that caused more than 2,000 Muslim deaths, a crowd of militant Hindus destroyed a mosque that stood there, claiming the previous presence of a Hindu temple dedicated to God Rama. After a legal appeal, in 2010 the issue was frozen by a court and the site is now divided into three parts. The Manifesto of the BJP also announces the creation of a specific "Ministry for the castes", showing how religious parties still believe in the Hindu caste system.
The Christians stress they want to contribute constructively to a secular and tolerant India, which guarantees freedom of faith and the rights of all citizens, but they express concern about the resurgence of religious violence, by Hindu extremist groups. As reported to Fides, in a meeting held in Bangalore (Karnataka state) –where from February 1 to 8, the Plenary Assembly of Bishops in India will be held - the leader of the Christian association "All India Christian Council" (AICC ) have launched a new alarm for Christians and an appeal for unity of the faithful "to stop the forces of sectarian communalism", asking everyone to "defend truth and justice, making the light of God shine".
Christians in India, remarks to Fides the "Catholic Secular Forum" (CSF), another Christian NGO, condemns religious extremism, but deeply respects the Hindu religion and are open to dialogue. This is demonstrated by a recent episode: the CSF has publicly criticized a U.S. television station in Chicago, of the NBC circuit, as one commentator described the Hindu divinities "strange". The Indian Christians invite everyone to have respect for all religious symbols and not to hurt the feelings of believers of other religions. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 30/01/2012)
