ASIA/INDIA - The Bishops: "The Church contributes to a better India"

Friday, 27 January 2012

Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - "In the face of poverty, unemployment, corruption, lack of education, violence, religious fundamentalism, the Catholic Church intends to be a significant voice and make their own contribution to the construction of a nation that guarantees welfare, education , harmony and justice for all ": with these words His Exc. Mgr.Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore, illustrates to Fides the theme of the next General Assembly of the Indian Bishops' Conference, entitled" The role of the Church for a better India" to be held in his diocese, in Bangalore (Karnataka state), from 1 to 8 February. The assembly, which is held every two years, will bring together more than 160 Catholic Bishops of the three rites: Latin, Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankara in the country. Personalities such as Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council "Justice and Peace" and other Indian scholars will participate in the work.
Mgr. Moras, interviewed by Fides, explains: "The Church is totally Indian, loves its country and is worried. Therefore, as Christians, we will continue to make our own contribution, of values and action to the Indian society, to meet the challenges of the present. The first is the population explosion, which cannot be stopped by selective abortions. Then the economic crisis and inequalities that plague the country. A third point to be examined is education, which in India reaches only 30% of the population. We want, then to bring Christian values and ethics to curb corruption, emerged as one of the diseases in the country".
"We will talk about - the Bishop continues - even the age-old problem of terrorism and religious fanaticism, Hindu and Muslim, which breeds hatred, intolerance and violence against Christians. The challenge for us is to build and give effect to Commissions for dialogue and peace, in all local communities. As Christians, we are confident that the project of the radical Hindus to expel us from India will never be implemented".
Finally the Archbishop points out, "two themes that, as Bishops, we are very careful about are evangelism and youth. The Gospel is the answer to the challenges of today and the young are the future of the nation". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 27/01/2012)
