ASIA - The Bishops: "To become Church of the poor and marginalized in Asia"

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Bangkok (Agenzia Fides) - After a "full immersion" in the realities of poverty, vulnerability, marginalization and suffering, the Asian Bishops hope that the Asian Christian communities in Asia become a "Church of the poor" and that this approach is reflected in the pastoral programs in different countries. As reported to Fides by the Office for Human Development of the "Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences" (FABC) organized, through its "Institute for Social Action" (BISA), a laboratory for a week (from January 18 to 24, in Bangkok) in the name of sharing and reflection, which was attended by Bishops, priests, religious and lay people from many Asian countries. The program included an "experiential" part (three days lived in poverty ) and a part of reflection and confrontation.
In the final message, signed by the Burmese Archbishop Mgr. Charles Bo, President of the Office for Human Development in the FABC, the Asian Bishops remarked: "the experience of sharing with indigenous people, migrants, victims of HIV/AIDS and human being trafficking brought us closer to the suffering of our people". Then, in the light of the Church's social Teaching, the participants discussed issues such as labor rights, conditions of migrants and indigenous people, rights of women and children, conflict and peacebuilding, social justice.
The Asian Bishops - says the message sent to Fides - often note that "the Church is the only voice of the poor and most vulnerable". This is why it intends to "educate the Church and society to pay attention to the problems of marginalized communities". This will be achieved "by sensitizing lay movements and lay associations to engage in public, local, provincial and national governments, so that they promote action programs in their favor".
The Bishops confirm the goodness of a pastoral made up of "immersion, reflection and action", to "buildthe Kingdom of God and its values of justice and peace, especially among the millions who suffer in Asia". They hope that Christians in Asia become "operators of social change, making the poor and the marginalized aware of their economic, social and cultural rights and protagonists of their development". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 26/01/2012)
