AMERICA/BRAZIL - "The Mission of Christians in public politics": formation course of Diocesan Missionary Councils

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Maranhão (Agenzia Fides) – On Saturday, January 28 the 20th edition of missionary formation course that brings together representatives of the Diocesan Missionary Councils (COMIDIS) in Bacabal, in Maranhão ends. The meeting is being held at the Franciscan Center for Missionary Animation and has the theme "The Mission of Christians in public politics".
The note sent to Fides informs that the meeting began on the 14th, with about 60 participants, among pastoral workers, priests and religious from the Tocantins, Roraima, Piaui, Sao Paulo, Federal District, Ceará and Maranhão. The cultural diversity of the participants favors, according to the organizers, a spirituality of communion and participation which helps because mission is not recognized as an optional task, but an integral part of Christian identity.
At the opening of the Course a Holy Mass was celebrated presided by the Bishop of Bacabal, Mgr. Armando Martin Gutierrez, who is also in charge of missions in the North-East 5 region of CNBB (Maranhão). Father João Maria Van Dammem presented during the course an "Analysis of the situation" at a global level, highlighting the value of social movements. Then Ivo Poleto gave his speech reflecting on the importance of taking a Christian attitude in public politics of their respective municipalities. The program also included the presentation of the missionary project of the North-East Region 4 (Piaui) and 5 (Maranhão), in addition to the reflection on the missionary dimension of this year’s Fraternity Campaign. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 26/01/2012)
