AFRICA/SOMALIA - Caritas Somalia: more than one million internally displaced people rely on international assistance

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - There are one million 356 thousand internally displaced persons in Somalia, of whom 500,000 live in the so-called Afgoye corridor. This is what the last Situational Report says of which a copy was sent to Fides by Caritas Somalia. "Because of restrictions concerning the access for humanitarian agencies in southern Somalia, serious food crisis will continue, despite the good Deyr season rains", the report said. The Deyr rainy season is from October to November.
While the rains have improved the production of livestock and crop, Somalia is still heavily dependent on humanitarian aid, especially as regards to health care, water and nutrition. With the expulsion of 16 agencies and non-governmental organizations, decreed by the Shabaab in late November, and the suspension of food distribution to 1.1 million people in southern Somalia, there is a strong concern that some areas of Somalia can go back to famine conditions.
The corn harvest period obtained thanks to the Deyr rains goes from January to March and it is believed that the regions of Bay and Lower Shabelle will get enough corn to sustain their populations until the early Gu harvest in July. However, the areas affected by the floods, Gedo and Juba, will have very limited stocks over the next three months.
Security situation is also serious. Fighting and bomb attacks continue in Mogadishu and other towns of Somalia. Over the past four weeks, 7 humanitarian workers were killed and an American aid worker was taken hostage in Galkayo. A recent attack in a refugee camp in Mogadishu caused 6 deaths.
Despite the difficult situation, Caritas Somalia continues its operations in the Country and in the Dadaab camp, in Kenya, where hundreds of thousands of Somali refugees are welcomed. Among the partners of Caritas Somalia there is: Caritas Germany and Diakonia Germany (which manage, with local partners, some projects financed with contributions from Diakonia Germany, Caritas Poland, Caritas Slovenia, Caritas, Caritas Slovakia, Caritas Luxembourg, Caritas Austria, Development & Peace/Canada and Cordaid), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas Switzerland and Trocaire. Other funds are sent by Caritas Portugal, Caritas Norway and Caritas Liechtenstein. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 26/01/2012)
