EUROPE/SPAIN-"There is much talk of numbers and not of people," Cardinal Carlos Amigo on economic crisis

Monday, 23 January 2012

Sevilla (Agenzia Fides) - In a long interview with "Diario de Sevilla", Cardinal Carlos Amigo Vallejo, Archbishop emeritus of Seville, expressed the concern of the Church for this period of severe crisis. The Cardinal will be awarded on January 26 the Manuel Clavero Award for his 27 years of pastoral service to the city of Seville. In the interview the Cardinal says he is very busy writing for various newspapers and magazines, giving lectures and participating in permanent formation programs.
With reference to the question regarding the information on the current economic crisis, which in Spain is lived deeply, the Cardinal replied: "'It is logical to find the same theme in opening any newspaper of any trend. We are even learning a language and a vocabulary with the economic terms which we deal with every day. I think it is important not to let the guard down before a problem which is serious, but especially thinking of those who suffer the most, who are without a job, and have a family to assist. We feel that there is talk of numbers and very little of people .... It is a crisis in which the person is put into the background and economy, technology, or simply the state of well-being appear to be the main interests; but it is not so, because talking of people’s well-being when it is not true is something completely absurd".
"Can the crisis change the priorities of the Church?" Asks the journalist, and the Cardinal replied: "What society needs is to know Jesus Christ as a way of life. And it is the most important thing, and it is also what the Holy Father wants in this year dedicated to faith and the New Evangelization. The Church must give what she has. And it is Jesus Christ. The Church's social and charitable work is extraordinary, and we are seeing the effectiveness of certain actions in this crisis. The crisis will continue, but we must not let ourselves be fooled by the numbers. Jesus Christ sends people,... If there are poor people, we must put ourselves at their service and thank God we can do it", concluded the Cardinal. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 23/01/2012)
