VATICAN - The Pope’s best wishes to the Countries which celebrate the Lunar New Year: "May the new year be marked by justice and peace"

Monday, 23 January 2012

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "In these days, various countries of the Far East will celebrate the Lunar New year with joy - said the Holy Father Benedict XVI at the Angelus on Sunday, January 22 -. In the present world situation of economic and social crisis, for all those people I hope that the new year is marked by justice and peace, bringing relief to those who suffer, and that especially young people, with their enthusiasm, ideals and drive, can offer new hope to the world".
In his speech before the Marian prayer, the Pope paused to illustrate the significance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which is celebrated from January 18 to 25, inviting "everyone to join in the prayer that Jesus said to the Father on the eve of his passion".
The theme chosen this year by a Polish group for the Week of Prayer - "All shall be changed by the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ" (cf. 1 Cor 15.51-58) - "we are called to contemplate Christ's victory over sin and death - said the Holy Father - that is, his resurrection as an event that transforms those who believe in Him and opens them up to an incorruptible and immortal life. Recognizing and accepting the transforming power of faith in Jesus Christ, sustains Christians in their search for full unity". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 23/01/2012)
