AMERICA/CHILE - "Educating for justice, peace, social and political commitment": three days of formation for young people

Friday, 20 January 2012

Concepcion (Agenzia Fides) - With the theme "education for justice, peace, social and political commitment", the Social Pastoral Commission of the Archdiocese of Concepcion together with the Catholic University of the Holy Concepcion, has just finished a course for young animators. During the three days (from January 16 to 19), the formation course considered Christian values as a central point, and did so by means of conferences and round tables, with the participation of professors, priests and young people involved to discuss the current political context. The initiative was taken in an effort to try to remedy the lack of leaders and young people trained to guide society.
In the note sent to Fides by the Archdiocese of Concepcion, Father Hernan Enriquez, coordinator of the course, says that "this is the year of the young", and must be prepared to fulfill the social mission in the national politics of the country. This initiative, still refers father Enriquez, was born thanks to several round tables that the Church of Concepcion organized for three years, with Bishop Ricardo Ezzati first, and then with Mgr.Fernando Chomali: "These workshops were aimed to be able to make the Church present in the political, social world of the workers".
Father Jose Cartes, Coordinator of the Social Pastoral Commission of the Archdiocese, received the thirty young participants of the course and stressed that young people are a constant concern of the Church. So this year in all the Churches of Chile, the Youth Mission will take place, so that young people not only strengthen their faith, but become true witnesses. "We believe that young people, with their joy, can promote a more just and fraternal society. They will be the salt and light in their parishes, their schools and their universities," said Father Cartes. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 20/01/2012)
