ASIA/HONG KONG - Hong Kong's religious leaders hope for a better new year and invite the faithful to act to overcome the global financial crisis

Friday, 20 January 2012

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - A harmonious society, local and the global financial crisis, the importance of religion in public life: these are the topics covered in the Message for the Chinese New Year, which will be celebrated on January 23, prepared by the six leaders of the major religions in Hong Kong. According to reports by the Kong Ko Bao (Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin), as usual, the religious leaders of the Catholic Church (the Bishop of Hong Kong, forthcoming Cardinal, Mgr. John Tong), the Confucians, Muslims, Protestants, of Daoism and Buddhism, have signed together a message for the Chinese New Year, with the date January 18. Religious leaders encourage their fellow citizens, especially the followers of every religion, to "make a tireless effort to overcome this global financial crisis". Despite "the relative stability of Hong Kong, we must never let our guard down, you have to be well prepared to face any financial difficulties". They also warned that "technology without a moral basis, causes a negative effect. But the religious spirit helps to cement the wisdom, the ability to distinguish between good and evil, the reasonable use of technology, resulting in a benefit for the whole community". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 20/01/2012)
