ASIA/PAKISTAN - The two aid workers kidnapped by Pashtun speaking militants, in a "fast and focused" action

Friday, 20 January 2012

Multan (Agenzia Fides) - The two aid workers (an Italian and a German) working for German non-governmental organization "Welthungerhilfe" ("Universak help for hunger"), were kidnapped in Pakistan yesterday, "they were abducted by Pashtun speaking extremist militants, from the North, province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, "the former North-West Frontier Province, where the galaxy Taliban groups have their bases. The Italian Giovanni Lo Porto and the German Bernd Johannes "were taken from their office and put to sleep with chloroform. It was a professional, fast and focused action". This is what is said to Fides by the Catholic Ayub Sajid, Chief Executive of the Pakistan NGO "Organization for Development and Peace" (ODP), based in Multan, in active cooperation with projects for the development of the population of Punjab. The ODP and the German NGO shared the same "mission" and in past months had begun a partnership project for the assistance to flood victims in Punjab. Members of the "Welthungerhilfe" - Sajid remembers - had received warnings in the past, but continued to work in the area, in the field of primary care and agriculture.
Ayub Saijd explains to Fides: "kidnapping is a very serious event, that troubles us. We know that aid workers, especially foreigners, are possible victims of kidnapping or murder: they are considered an expression of the West. The area of Qasim Bela is an area known to be turbulent and dangerous. There are several military compounds and we humanitarian workers work closely with them. The kidnapping seems to have been carried out by a well organized group, probably by terrorists, who have their bases in the North of the country. The hostages are likely to be far away. The aim can be a ransom demand or a proof to show the government that they are strong and able to take important actions".
The two NGOs working for the victims of the severe floods of 2010 and 2011 who, according to a statement sent to Fides by Caritas Internationalis, have so far had "a poor response by the international community". In September 2011, the UN launched an appeal to collect 357 million dollars needed to provide humanitarian assistance to victims. Despite the scale of the disaster, only 20% of the necessary funds was collected. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 20/01/2012)
