AMERICA/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - A reflection for the 50 years of the Episcopal Conference, serving the Church and society, in truth and without violence

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Santo Domingo (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of the Dominican Republic prepared a pastoral Letter entitled "50th anniversary of the Dominican Episcopal Conference (CED)", in which they present their mission in great detail as Pastors of the Catholic Church in the country. The Letter, a copy of which was sent to Fides, will be presented to the community on the occasion of the feast of Our Lady of Altagracia, on January 21, 2012. The document, signed by all members of the Dominican Episcopal Conference, the Bishops offer a deep and historic reflection on what is CED and its great contribution to both the local Church and to the Dominican Nation.
After the introduction, from the third to the thirteenth paragraph, the document of which there are 45 in total, refers to the "theological foundations" of the Episcopal Conference and its link with the universal Church. Then the historical part follows: from the first nucleus of the future Episcopal Conference to its foundation and its development, describing then the contribution made to the local Church and society, and concludes with a tribute to the founders.
In No 34 the Bishops say: "Anyone who has read or reads all the annual messages regarding the Dominican Independence Day, is convinced that the Dominican Episcopal Conference has always felt an obligation and commitment to help with its mission a nation which is morally sound, more fraternal, fair and equitable. At the moment humanity is very concerned about the economic and financial crisis, including food and political crisis. We on the other hand, without denying what was said before, say that the great modern crisis is human and moral, the true origin and cause of many crises that are reported. We are concerned because now this moral crisis is rooted in the national soul. Herein lies the cause of generalized violence that surrounds us, the growing violence against women and against the family, the precariousness of wages and basic services for everyone, the resignation of its educational role on behalf of the family, school and media, the mediocrity of many politicians, rampant corruption. We are concerned about this and we promise the Dominican people that we offer our sincere participation and our encouragement for good behavior". (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 19/01/2012)
