ASIA/CHINA - The Bishop of Shang hai hopes that Paul Xu will soon be Blessed, because "he is the "man for all seasons"

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Shang Hai (Agenzia Fides) - "He is the man for all seasons" is the title of the Chinese New Year Message by His Exc. Mgr. Alios Jin Lu Xian, a 95-year-old Bishop of the diocese of Shang Hai, focused on the figure of Paul Xu, the first Chinese Mandarin baptized by the great Jesuit missionary Fr.Matteo Ricci, who also became a great collaborator and friend of Fr Ricci’s mission. Today the diocese of Shang Hai and the mainland Chinese Catholic community are promoting his cause for beatification with great support of missionaries and Catholics in the world.
The message is divided into 4 parts and defines Paul Xu as the founder and pioneer of the diocese, apologist of the Church and faith, a great mediator: "2012 is the year that the universal Church dedicates to the New Evangelization. But it is also the 450th anniversary of the birth of the evangelization of our diocese of Shang Hai, Paul Xu Guang Qi. It is 460 years since the birth of Fr Matteo Ricci. I am Xu’s old fan" writes the Bishop.
"He had a gentle, kind and generous character, with great capacity to mediate and facilitate situations. But that does not mean that he reached a compromise on faith, or that he had less spirit of initiative for evangelization", continues Mgr. Alios Jin Lu Xian. "In the difficult early days of the Chinese Church, though limited by many factors to defend the Church, Ricci’s principle followed with determination- 'respect the Chinese culture', to act prudently to protect the Church". He was "well aware that conflict only causes hatred towards Catholicism, and thus even persecution, which is not at all healthy for the integral development of the Church in China. But avoiding conflict, hatred of Catholics subsides naturally". At the same time", he said and explained the truths of faith in no uncertain terms, and defended the Church in a legitimate way, to the point of dedicating his life to it. How can you judge such faith as a faith of compromise? He enjoys prestige and a particular admiration in the heart of the Chinese people (Catholic and non-Catholics), but also has a special significance for the universal Church".
Next year will be the 380th anniversary since Paul Xu's death. "May Rome proclaim him blessed as soon as possible". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 19/01/2012)
