ASIA/CHINA - Disadvantaged families and elderly people living alone: Catholics live the Chinese New Year in the sign of love

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - As every year, the mainland Chinese Catholics are living the eve of the Chinese New Year, which this year falls on January 23, largely through acts of Christian charity so that everyone can feel the love of God, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized, and those who have donated their children to the Lord. According to what is reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei, all parishes and lay groups have mobilized to bring God's love to their younger brethren. The parishes have also already published the hours of the New Year's Eve Mass.
For example, the parish of Xi Feng of the Diocese of Tai Yuan, has expressed its gratitude to the priests’ and religious families for their dedication to vocation. According to the pastor, "it is also a way to encourage vocations. Make young people and their families understand that their choice will not lead to difficulties for the family's daily life, they can stay calm and follow the way of the Lord". Thirty faithful members of the parish of the diocese of Xian Wen of the diocese of Ji Nan, divided into several groups, have brought food to the families in need, the elderly living alone and the sick.
The parish of Hai Bo Wan of Wu Hai, in Inner Mongolia, have visited 80 families of miners, disabled, newly baptized believers who have strayed from the Church ... In addition, the priests have brought the sacraments to the sick the elderly and the infirm.
The Group of Charity of the parish of Quan Zhou of the Diocese of Xia Men have already visited 30 Catholic families to encourage them to live the traditional Chinese festival with Christian faith and missionary spirit.
In the city of Nan Ning, in the province of Guang Xin, the first foundation stone for the new Catholic structure of 4,000square meters and 9 floors was placed. According to the Bishop who presided over the blessing of the cornerstone, "this building marks a new missionary and pastoral zeal ".
The Chinese New Year is a time that unites the whole family. According to tradition, the children away from home should do all they can to return home for the New Year, to join all the other members of the family. Many parishes have helped migrant workers in a very concrete manner, providing them train and bus tickets ... For those who cannot return home, the parishes where they are will be their family and their home, where they will be warmly welcomed to live the party together. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 18/01/2012)
