AMERICA/ARGENTINA-With a missionary spirit at the service of children, "treasures of the Church"

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) -The "School of the IAM Animators" (Missionary Childhood and Adolescence) was opened yesterday in Buenos Aires, two levels (children and teenagers) will be held at the headquarters of the Animators School of the Pontifical Mission Societies (ESAM) from 16 to 22 January. According to information sent to Fides from the National Directorate of the PMS of Argentina, the ESAM is a fundamental reality of formation for animators (both new and already committed) to enrich them and help them grow in their missionary service to children and adolescents. The animators are trained through prayer, community life, animation and theological, spiritual and methodological aspects, in reference to the mission given to children in Level I and adolescents in Level II.
The National Director of the PMS, Fr. Osvaldo Pablo Leone, on opening the event, welcomed the participating animators, who come from 7 of the 8 pastoral regions of Argentina, the religious and lay animators, and representatives of 17 dioceses in the Country. The National Director also announced that the Pontifical Society of Missionary Childhood and Adolescence in 2013 will celebrate its 170 years, "so for us - he said - as well as it being a great joy, it is also the time to thank God for everything that the Lord Jesus has done in the history of the Church through the missionary life of many children and adolescents. At the same time it will be a moment to review and evaluate our service, and project into the future the new lines of action. For us today, as in 1843 was for Mgr. De Forbin-Janson, children and adolescents are a treasure in the Church, a true potential, capable of transforming reality through a 'network of human and spiritual solidarity', as Pope John Paul II loved saying , referring to the IAM". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 17/01/2012)
