ASIA/CHINA - A disabled Catholic who died to defend a girl, among the ten people who gave a heroic example in the province of He Bei

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - Wu Wen De, a disabled Catholic who sacrificed his life to defend a girl from a robber, was chosen by the major Chinese media as one of ten people who moved to tears the province of He Bei, stronghold of the Chinese Catholic Church, with his heroic behavior. The local Catholics recognized his authentic witness of faith following the example of Christ who gave his life for love of thy neighbor. According to what was reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei, in the afternoon on May 1 last year, the desperate cry for help from a girl broke the quietness of the small town of Gao Cheng, in the province of He Bei. None of the other passers-by, on foot or in their car stopped to lend the girl a hand who was struggling with a robber. Wu Wen De, who was cleaning the chimney of a nearby iron factory, after hearing the screams immediately ran towards the place where the robbery was taking place, despite being handicapped from birth because of polio. He did not hesitate to confront the robber, but the man, enraged, stabbed him. Wu Wen De bled to death shortly after being taken to hospital. At his funeral there was not only the entire Catholic community, but also a lot of ordinary people who came spontaneously, in addition to the municipal and provincial authorities. Wen Wu De was appointed as a "moral example of the city", "hero of justice and courage", with official recognition. The local Catholic community is proud of him. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 17/01/2012)
