AMERICA/BOLIVIA-After the violence in the town of Yapacaní, the Bishops call for "dialogue, respect for the dignity and sacredness of human life"

Monday, 16 January 2012

La Paz (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of Bolivia have expressed their regret for the violent events that occurred in the municipality of Yapaní, which caused deaths and injuries, through a statement signed by Mgr. Oscar Aparicio, Secretary General of the Bolivian Episcopal Conference ( CEB).
From the data collected by Fides, on March 29, 2011 the City Council in Yapacaní said it was against the mayor. In November 2011, the population organized public demonstrations against the mayor, while the authorities in the region of Santa Cruz said the mayor was right. For this reason the population organized several strikes in the area. On 9 January 2012, the mayor wanted to go back to the municipality, protected by 600 policemen, while the population demonstrated its opposition. The following day the fighting started, where 3 people were killed in an attempt to enter the premises of the municipality protected by the police.
The statement of the CEB, entitled: "Understanding and respect for life", expresses the Bishops’ deep regret for the death of three people and injuries of many others, after clashes between police and protesters, that caused fear and uncertainty among the people. "We Bishops deeply regret these facts, we denounce the fighting between brothers and the disproportionate use of public force. No interest justifies the loss of lives", writes the Episcopal Conference. "In the light of the Gospel and the social doctrine, we underline the fact that the only valid way to solve problems is sincere and responsible dialogue, respect for human dignity and the sanctity of human life. Therefore, we condemn any action that encourages distrust, mutual denigration and intolerance among the various groups of society".
A previous statement says: "Violence and death are not solutions to human problems. It is necessary to consider that only rational human actions allow a society to live in peace and love" (CEB statement released on September 22, 2010 ).
The Bishops conclude with the request to the authorities to carry out an impartial investigation, to identify those responsible and to apply justice with sanctions. Finally, the authorities have launched an appeal to restore the path of dialogue, in order to establish the rule of law that guarantees peaceful coexistence in this area. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 16/01/2012)
