AMERICA/PERU - "We must begin to appreciate life more": an appeal to stop violence in the area of Cajamarca

Friday, 13 January 2012

Jaén (Agenzia Fides) – On Saturday, January 7 three armed men entered the police station in the district of Santa Rosa, province of Jaen, and killed three policemen cold-bloodedly, the pregnant wife of one of them and their 13-year-old son. The Director of Radio Marañón, in Jaén, the Jesuit priest Francisco Muguiro Ibarra, following the recent acts of violence in the area of Cajamarca, spoke about the importance for the respect for life.
According to information sent by the CNR (National Coordination of Radios) to Fides, Fr. Muguiro said: "Different Assumptions:revenge, armed robbery (two shotguns and four handguns), can be many ... but this time it seems that drug dealing and terrorism are simply discarded. No matter the motivation, there is no motivation, nothing is valid to take the life of another person, unless you are in the situation of self-defense, but this is currently under discussion after the episode of the student who killed a thief who wanted to steal his mobile phone".
The Jesuit priest invites us to reflect on the value of life: "Life is not any one thing. And It is God’s miracl. How much does it cost a parent to be able to form a healthy person! Life is God's plan But it seems worth little in these days. The same day the policemen were killed, 3 other people died in the streets of Jaén due to family disputes or for robbery, and then in Bagua a farmer was killed".
For this reason father Francisco Muguiro Ibarra invites the community to engage in forming the new generations to the true value of life: "The blood of the three members of the Police and their families cries out to God from the land of Santa Rosa and demands justice, not revenge, but Justice ... Starting from the family, school, society, we must begin to appreciate life more. Children need to start living the life as it is, something sacred. We would all like to take part in a campaign for public safety, so that we do not continue to hear about the violent death of our fellow citizens, as what happens every day, and life gains back its value". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 13/01/2012)
