ASIA/PHILIPPINES - The new Governor of the Muslim Autonomous Region of Mindanao is a missionary’s student

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Zamboanga (Agenzia Fides) - The hopes of peace and reconciliation are growing in the southern Philippines, where a Muslim community of over 6 million people live, most of them are residents in the "Muslim Autonomous Region of Mindanao" (the large island in the South of the archipelago). The Philippine President Benigno Aquino has appointed the new Governor of the Autonomous Region: the Muslim Mujiv Hataman, who will hold the uncomfortable position which belonged to the much-discussed Governor Datu Zaldy Ampatuan, accused of being involved in the massacre of Mauguindanao (in November 2009 58 people were killed for political reasons).
The new Governor, 39 years old, a former member of the Philippine Parliament, was a student at the Center for Interreligious Dialogue "Silsilah", which was set up, 20 years ago in Zamboanaga, by the PIME missionary Father Sebastiano D'Ambra, and is a "person sincerely committed to dialogue and peace", say local sources of Fides. In his inaugural speech, Hataman said. "We will create a new culture in the Muslim Autonomous Region, a culture of good governance based on transparency and responsibility, anchored on democracy, participation and social promotion".
Fr. D'Ambra, on hearing the news of his nomination, sent an open letter to the governor, in which he points out that the one occupied by Hataman is "a challenging position, which can facilitate the process of peace or allow violence and corruption to continue in Mindanao". The missionary - in the text sent to Fides - emphasizes that security and peace in Mindanao does not only depend on the allocation of military troops: an effort of "truth" is needed, the foundation of peace and development, with a view of a "real and genuine autonomy", which can make Mindanao an example, as an "appropriate form of federalism". D'Ambra wishes Hataman to be "a model of a leader at the forefront for the common good", and to remember the commitment to "Silsilah" to promote "the culture of dialogue, the path to peace, based on personal and social transformation ".
In order to overcome historical conflicts, new forms of prejudice and mistrust between the two communities of faith,
Fr. D'Ambra offers the Governor a suggestion: to follow the invitation of the United Nations, celebrating the first week of February, the "World Interfaith Harmony Week". This invitation on behalf of the UN, recalls the missionary, was inspired by the Letter of 138 Muslim leaders in the world to Pope Benedict XVI, in which the desire to work together for peace was expressed. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 11/01/2012)
