AMERICA/BOLIVIA - The National Congress of youth pastoral, "a tsunami of faith and enthusiasm"

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) - Everything is ready to start on 11 January, the National Congress of the youth pastoral. The organizers have confirmed the presence of more than 400 delegates, in addition to special guests and some Bishops that will accompany this event which begins the 2012 calendar of the Church's activities in Bolivia. "We hope that this Congress will become a tsunami of faith and enthusiasm, to give continuity to this process of renewal that we started a long time ago", said Gabriela de la Barra, head of the national youth pastoral.
According to the program, the Congress intends to take care of the delegates with a Bible formation. Another important aspect is the analysis of the reality and the challenges that lie ahead. In this context, the topics of particular concern for the youth pastoral are: torediscover the meaning of faith in young people today and to propose ways of bringing young people to Christ.
This Congress - which will also celebrate 30 years of youth pastoral, accomplished at the end of 2011 - comes after two important events: the World Youth Day in Madrid (August 2011) and the Latin American meeting of the youth pastoral in Los Teques (January 2011). The Congress venue is the Casa deVinto, in Cochabamba. The work will open on 11 January and the conclusion is scheduled on January 15. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 10/01/2012)
