AMERICA/PERU - The President of Cor Unum, visits Santa Rosa’s birthplace and the poor on the outskirts of Lima

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Lima (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Robert Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, is in Peru to visit the places where Santa Rosa de Lima lived. According to the note sent to Fides by the Archdiocese of Lima, since her childhood Cardinal Sarah, from Guinea, was particularly devoted to the Saint of Lima, because she is the protector of his country. Admiring her exemplary life, he embraced his life in Santa Rosa's devotion for the Eucharist and Our Lady. During his trip to Peru, the Cardinal visited the Monastery of Santa Rosa de Santa Maria, the Monastery of Santa Catalina and the Minor Basilica of Santa Rosa de Lima. "I celebrated Mass where she died, we visited the monastery that she wanted to found and also the shrine where she was born and lived - the Cardinal said -. This is a strong emotion for me and I thank the Lord for this. I am very fortunate to be able to visit these places where Santa Rosa lived, because here her message is always alive".
The Cardinal asked the Dominican Sisters of seclusion to pray for him, so his life is always an expression of holiness, and was happy to know that there are young people who want to follow the path of the saint of Lima. Finally, he promised to continue to pray for Peru. "Together we must always walk towards holiness" he concluded.
Cardinal Sarah also visited, in the extreme outskirts of Lima, in the Manchay area, the numerous social works that the archdiocese of Lima runs: schools, canteens for children, the health center. "I'm sure that if the Pope were here, he would have had my own desire to participate in the pastoral work in this area", said the Cardinal on seeing the organization and the commitment of many pastoral workers. He then explained the task entrusted by the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, all dedicated to charity, to be close to people who live in poverty. Cor Unum has sent aid to the area of Pisco (south of Lima) after the earthquake on August 15, 2007. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 10/01/2012)
