VATICAN-The Pope to the Missionary Childhood: "May your heart be open to the world, as the heart of Jesus"

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI, during the Angelus on January 6, recalled the Day of Missionary Childhood: "I highlight that the Epiphany is also the Children's Missionary Day, organized by the Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood. Children around the world, gathered in groups, form missionary awareness and support the many projects of solidarity for their peers. Dear children! May your heart be open to the world, as the heart of Jesus, but be also attentive to those who live next to you, always ready to lend a hand".
In his speech before the Angelus, the Holy Father recalled that " the Christmas period and Epiphany are characterized by the theme of light. Jesus is the sun on the horizon of humanity to illuminate the personal existance of each one of us ... The announcement of this mystery of salvation entrusted by Christ to his Church".
The Pope noted that "Western civilization seems to have lost orientation, it sails in sight". But the Church, thanks to the Word of God, although does not have "technical solutions", "offers the light of the Gospel to all people of good will, to every nation and culture", for the integral salvation of humanity. Finally, the Pope entrusted to the intercession of the Virgin Mary the service of two new Apostolic Nuncios ordained just before at the Vatican Basilica (Mgr. Charles John Brown, who was appointed Apostolic Nuncio in Ireland and Mgr. Marek Solczyński, Apostolic Nuncio in Georgia and Armenia) "and the work of evangelization of the whole Church". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 07/01/2012)
