ASIA/PAKISTAN - People are hungry for food and spiritual health: new group of Lay Camillian Family in Gojra

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - The commitment of the Lay Camillian Family (LCF) in Pakistan continues to bear its fruit. In a statement just sent to Fides, Father Mushtaq Anjum, MI, reports some good news. After hearing about the commitment of the Lay Camillian Family (LCF) in Pakistan, father Younas Inayat, a diocesan priest and director of the St. Albert School of Gojra, in Punjab, expressed his appreciation towards the Camillian charisma and the desire to also be part of the LCF in his parish in Gojra. People are hungry for food and spiritual health, and so on 22 December, despite the cold weather, the distance and transport difficulties, father Mushtaq and Asia Aslam, president of the LCF in Pakistan, invited by Fr Inayat, embarked on a 4-hour-journey to go and talk to these people who want to know experiences of faith. Fr. Mushtaq talked about St. Camillus’ life and the birth of the LCF. Historically, the so-called "group of Pious" gave rise to the LCF, inspired by the charism of St. Camillus, the saint of love that invites the laity to follow Christ by offering their service to the sick. The president of the LCF shared his experiences as a member of the family and his meetings with the sick. Participants were given the book on the life of St. Camillus translated in Urdu as well as a red cross. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 05/01/2012)
