VATICAN - "Boys and girls, make yourselves heard, without shame and uncertainty always trusting in God", the Secretary General of the Pontifical Society of Missionary Childhood urges all boys and girls

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Here we are in 2012, the year of Faith wanted by the Holy Father. Boys and girls, you belong to Missionary Childhood and therefore you believe in the role you have been entrusted, to bear witness to your faith every day with the spirit of sharing and solidarity with your peers wherever they are". This is the message that Baptistine Ralamboarison, Secretary General of the Pontifical Society of Missionary Childhood, sends through Fides, to all the boys and girls in the world on the occasion of the next feast of the Epiphany. "With the enthusiasm, creativity and energy of your youth, you together form a force capable of transforming darkness into light", says the Secretary. "Make yourselves heard, without shame and uncertainty always trusting in God. In His greatness, He became little in order to reveal himself to the world and to be understood by men. Let us follow him!" (AP/BR) (Agenzia Fides 05/01/2012)
