ASIA/PAKISTAN - Taseer’s murder "a disgrace to Pakistan, where nothing has changed"

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - "A year after the death of Governor Salman Taseer, who was killed on January 4, 2011, nothing has changed. The human rights defenders are fearful and silent. The blasphemy law seems to be untouchable", says to Fides the Dominican, Fr. James Channan OP, Director of the "Dominican Peace Center" in Lahore. "Nothing has changed - he explains - because the extremists are very strong. The government is not able to stop them. There are people who make justice for themselves. At this stage we cannot do anything. The fanatics have power, politics and the judiciary system are on their side".
Fr. Channan told Fides: "The assassination of Salman Taseer was a shame for Pakistan. He was a defender of human rights and equality of all citizens, without discrimination. He wanted to stop the false accusations of blasphemy towards Christians and Muslims. A few days before his assassination, I had met him at a conference where, in front of an audience of 400 people between Christians and Muslims, said that the blasphemy law was not to be abused and could be abolished. He talked about his visit in jail to Asia Bibi, confirming that she was a humble woman, illiterate and innocent. Taseer's death was a great loss to all those in Pakistan who are fighting for justice, equality, and human rights. Today, his killer is celebrated as a hero, while civil society is permeated by fear". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/01/2012)
