AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - After 20 years since the Peace Agreements, the Church calls for a new national social Pact

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The budget of twenty years is positive but today the country needs "something more": just days before the 20th anniversary of the historic "peace agreements" signed on January 16, 1992 in Chapultepec, Mexico, Mgr. José Luis Escobar, Archbishop of San Salvador, traced an assessment, showing how these agreements have been respected, and underling what the country needs today. The Agreements put an end to 12 years of civil war in the country.
In a note sent to Fides, the Archbishop of San Salvador says: "We as a Church have always appreciated the Peace Agreements. For the most part they have been applied and we can trace, in general, a positive assessment. It is important not to have gone back to war, only for this country deserves a world-wide recognition, even though today the country is living a new phase of violence".
In this regard, before the biggest criminal crisis the country lives, the Church proposes a new national social pact (see Fides 12/12/2011) to eliminate violence and poverty in the Salvadorian society. According to the Archbishop, the two elements are related: "We cannot think that all is well. In making the assessment we have to admit that there has been progress, but we must recognize with much regret the violence and poverty in which we live. We cannot forget the many victims of violence today. It is something we have to solve", he said.
At the end of the note it says: "The 20th anniversary of the Peace Agreements must invite us to reflect on the full respect for peace. But there is still a debt towards society, because the situation is not definitely resolved and society entirely pacified". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 04/01/2012)
