ASIA/PAKISTAN - Asia Bibi's case, "a bridge between Christians and Muslims", recalling Salman Taseer

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - Asia Bibi’s case, an innocent victim of the abuse of the blasphemy law, must be "a bridge, not a wall, between Muslims and Christians", which can form an alliance "together to save a human life". This is what is said, in a note sent to Fides, by the "Masihi Foundation" (MF), an NGO defending the rights of Christians in Pakistan and that takes care of Asia Bibi’s legal assistance. The Foundation has organized a conference today in Lahore and a prayer vigil in memory of Governor Salman Taseer, a Muslim, on the first anniversary of his murder, which occurred on January 4, 2010 in Islamabad, carried out by Mumtaz Qadri’s bodyguard. The Foundation points out that one year after the crime, "the self-confessed murderer has been convicted, but is considered a hero by some, while a former Chief Justice of Lahore High Court sustains him in the appeal to the High Court for his release".
As reported to Fides, a part of the conference was dedicated to Asia Bibi’s case. In fact the woman's lawyer, SK Chaudhry, a Muslim, said: "I am pursuing the case on behalf of the Masihi Foundation. Priority is the security of Asia, her life and her freedom, which we will pursue with all legal means. We are preparing the appeal to the High Court. We have confidence in the legal system of Pakistan, in order to demonstrate with proof that Asia is innocent".
"In Asia Bibi’s case – explains the note on behalf of the MF - the blasphemy law has been abused. The MF only wants to save an innocent life. This is not "against" someone, we have much respect for Islam, towards the prophet Muhammad and any religion. For this reason we invite all people of good will, Muslims and Christians, to defend Asia Bibi and those who, like her, are innocent. Many Muslims have been unjust victims of the blasphemy law: they are the majority in about 1,000 cases registered from 1986 to present". The MF declares itself "ready to defend a Muslim, an innocent victim of blasphemy," saying that "it intends to promote interfaith dialogue and fill the gaps between different communities".
"We thank all those who are interested in Asia’s case. We are particularly grateful to Pope Benedict XVI for the prayers, but also to Christian Bishops, priests, nuns, around the world, but also to Muslims, who continue to show spiritual support to Asia Bibi", said the note from the MF.
Haroon Barkat Masih, Director of the MF, told Fides: "Qadri and Asia Bibi’s case are mirror images. Both show the inaction of the government that is blocked from the constraints of political parties and religious groups, Islamic extremists also because the elections in the country draw near. Religious minorities, meanwhile, always occupy the last position in society. We trust in justice, but we ask help to the international community". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/01/2012)
