AMERICA/HONDURAS - "It is not enough to add years to life, but it is necessary to give life to years"

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Tegucigalpa (Agenzia Fides) - In a long homily during the Mass on the first day of the new year, Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, highlighted that Honduras has its sense of direction, because men and women do not recognize the presence of God in history, and asked the Hondurans not to waste time during 2012, inviting them instead to fill it with love and solidarity, thus avoiding to waste time in vain things, as goes the popular saying: " Time wasted, is even missed by Saints".
During the Mass, celebrated as usual in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Tegucigalpa, the Cardinal recalled that filling time with promises and projects is proper to God, and when the chronological time is filled and flooded with God, it becomes a time of fullness, density and becomes the history of salvation, then come the changes and achievements.
The Archbishop of Tegucigalpa found that it makes no sense to burn a doll as a symbol of the old year. Instead of doing these things, you should devote at least five minutes to "recognizing all the graces we received during this year." Only by recognizing the gift of life "we realize the value of things given to us by the Creator of the Universe." In this context, it is not possible that "although we guide the best technology, our world is disoriented, Honduras is disoriented, and all because we are not able to recognize the presence of God in the story or its message of living with faith".
Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga paused to explore the concept of time because many times hours, minutes and seconds are wasted in silly things: "This time has no substance, no content, it is the frame of unknown events and as such produces anxiety, causes worry, fear, boredom and often a deep sense of powerlessness". He then urged not to fall into superstition, not to believe that the world will end on a certain date, forgetting that time is God's work, it is a talent to manage, giving it content. Each January 1, he asks the faithful: 'it is not enough to add years to life, but you must give life to years', because this is the best attitude before the gift that God has given us". (CE) (Agenzia Fides,03/01/2012)
