AMERICA/PERU - 2012 in Huancayo will be the "Year of Reconciliation, for the new evangelization"

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Huancayo (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of Huancayo, His Exc. Mgr. Pedro Barreto Jimeno, Bishop, SJ., has called for 2012 the "Year of Reconciliation, for the new evangelization." The announcement was made during the celebration of the 67 years since the founding of the Archdiocese of Huancayo. The main celebration was held in the stadium of the sports center of the city of La Oroya, with the participation of delegations of the five vicariates: Yauli, Jauja, Concepción, Chupaca and Huancayo.
Mgr. Barreto said that the year 2012 will be primarily a time of reconciliation with God at a personal level, then an encounter with the living Christ and risen, but also a moment of reconciliation with our brethren. "We want to make our Church a real family, a great family, a family of God," said the Archbishop.
In the note sent to Agenzia Fides by the Peruvian Episcopal Conference it says that the Archbishop pointed out: "the figure of the Virgin Mary is a symbol of life, faith, trust and hope. Mary is an example of love, charity, the charity that comes from God, an example of service". Therefore he invited the faithful to follow the example of Mary, because the history of mankind is not at the mercy of politicians or those who hold economic power, but it is in the hands of God, and God wants to count on us to make once again his living presence among us.
The Diocese of Huancayo was founded by Pope Pius XII with the Bull "Supremunapostolatusmunus" on December 18, 1944, separating it from the ancient Diocese of Huanuco. Its territory was in the department of Junin, the first bishop was Monsignor Leonardo Rodriguez Ballon. With the Bull "Quamsitchistifidelibus" on June 30, 1966, the diocese was elevated to an Archdiocese, and its first Archbishop was Mgr. Mariano Jacinto Valdivia y Ortiz. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 29/12/2011)
