AMERICA/CHILE - New Catholic radio station in Chile, the only one in the region of Arica and Parinacota

Friday, 23 December 2011

Arica (Agenzia Fides) - "Radio Mount Caramel" is the new and only Catholic radio station in Arica and Parinacota, to 93.1 FM, which aims to reach everyone, believers and non-believers, with a rich program where to find distraction and at the same time space for evangelization. The note sent to Agenzia Fides informs that the inauguration was attended by leading authorities in the region, including the mayor, Jose Duran, and the governor of the province, Ximena Valcarce. His Exc. Mgr. Hector Eduardo Vargas Bastidas, Bishop of San Marcos de Arica, stressed the importance of the media today and how Radio Mount Caramel will provide a service to the community with information and cultural programs, and also with musical spaces. "We are convinced - said the Bishop – that Radio Mount Caramel may reflect in some way, what the Church and the people expect from a radio. We want to bring the joys, sorrows and hopes of our people in this region and those who strive to offer a better future".
"Becoming a window of the different communities that make up the diocese - said Mauricio Castillo, director of the radio station -. It will be a traditional radio, with news programs, dialogues, and in this sense, we want to reach all members of the community. "The radio has also received best wishes on behalf of the President of the Association of Catholic Radio Stations in Chile (ARCA), Fernando Santelices , who is also director of Radio Famiglia Cilena of Talca. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 23/12/2011)
