AFRICA/EGYPT - "I will spend Christmas with the boys and girls in the neighborhood of garbage collectors", says Fr Verdoscia

Friday, 23 December 2011

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - "I am in the store, with my staff, to choose the clothes to be distributed to children on Christmas Day" says to Fides Fr. Luciano Verdoscia, a Comboni missionary who has been working for years in Mansheya, the area of garbage collectors (called "Zabbaleen"). " Me and my association tale care of about 650 children, giving them an education and a little financial help," explains the missionary.
With regards to the social situation in Egypt, Fr. Luciano remembers that today, December 23, "there is a demonstration against violence against women, who have discredited the image of the army. Yesterday, in another square in Cairo, a pro army demonstration took place. One should however keep in mind that the army has a considerable strength in numbers: sinply by ordering its members to send their families to the streets and the streets are filled".
"The population is a bit 'confused' continues Fr. Luciano. "But at the same time, people continue their activities. The protest is concentrated only in some specific places, starting from Tahrir Square. In short, the situation is much more complex than it appears. Now excuse me, but I have to leave because I have to finish downloading the packages" this is how the missionary ends his conversation. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/12/2011)
