ASIA/INDIA-He was a leader committed to justice: "planned" murder of a Catholic catechist

Friday, 23 December 2011

Bhubaneswar (Agenzia Fides) - The Christian community in Orissa has no doubt: the murder of Rabindra Parichha, the Catholic catechist killed days ago in Orissa (see Fides 16/12/2011), was carried out "on commission". The police, meanwhile, have arrested three people and, continuing the investigations, are trying to accurately identify the people behind the crime.
Rabindra Parichha was engaged in the defense of victims of anti-Christian massacres that occurred in Orissa in 2008 and to combat impunity: for these reasons, linked to his strong commitment to "justice and peace", he was eliminated: Rabindra Parichha’s family tells Fides they are sure that "the killing was related to his work, since Rabindra supervised the legal formation of survivors of violence in Kandhamal".
Parichha was a Catholic activist committed to human rights in the Archdiocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar. He was a good community organizer, worked as a "catalyst" in the process of development and social advancement for everyone, irrespective of caste, creed and ethnicity.
He was helping to get justice for those who had no land or had lost homes, land and property, as a result of the wave of extremist violence. He worked to improve the life and to protect the rights of the Dalits ("untouchables") and tribal people. Due to his work, done in the name of the Gospel and Truth, he was hated by many, especially the Hindu extremist groups, and this cost him his life. (PA-SD) (Agenzia Fides 23/12/2011)
