ASIA/PAKISTAN- Asia Bibi's case "on the Ministry of Interior’s negotiating table"; appeal to the Pope

Friday, 23 December 2011

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - The dramatic report on Asia Bibi’s health, a Christian unjustly sentenced to death for blasphemy, was sent to the Federal Interior Ministry of Pakistan from the "Masihi Foundation", the non-governmental organization that deals with the woman’s legal and material assistance. The NGO, as reported to Fides, stresses how the "physical and mental condition of the woman is worsening" and the " necessity for her to have medical care in order to safeguard her physical and especially mental health which otherwise could be irreparably compromised". The NGO hopes that the Ministry takes immediate steps to protect Asia Bibi’s life and have a team of doctors to take care of her.
The "Masihi Foundation", also informs Fides will write a letter to the Holy Father Benedict XVI, asking the Pope to remember Asia Bibi in his prayers in this time of great difficulty and struggle for her salvation.
The case of Asia Bibi, patent example of the violation of human rights, religious freedom and justice, have been expressed recently also by international institutions like the European Parliament and the Parliament of Canada. In a resolution approved on December 17, the EU Parliament, touching the issue of women's rights in Asia, expressed "deep concern at the management of the trial against Asia Bibi, which could further erode confidence in Pakistan’s judicial system and encourage those who seek to violate the rights of women".
In past days even the Canadian Parliament asked for Asia Bibi’s release. In a joint message, the Members of the House and Senate "urge the Government of Pakistan to immediately release Asia Bibi, to ensure her safety and well-being, to hear the cry of the international community and to respect the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/12/2011)
