ASIA/INDIA - Laws against corruption and food safety: Yes on behalf of the Church

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - The Indian Church expresses its full appreciation to two law provisions which came to Parliament and will be examined and approved in the next few days: the first is that against corruption in the public system, the second is to ensure food security in India .
The Archbishop of Delhi, Mgr.Vincent Concessao, in a note sent to Fides, praised the government's decision, calling it "a step in the right direction," which generates "huge relief for me personally, for the Church, NGOs and all those who must work to ensure the livelihood for millions of men, women and children in India". The Archbishop declared that they are in favor, in the evangelical perspective of equity, to tax the rich more to ensure the food to the poorest". "God wants this world's resources to be properly shared by all the inhabitants of this planet. The government's action is an attempt to accomplish what God wants for everyone. The Bible clearly says that God’s preference is always for the poor", explains the Archbishop, commenting on the draft law on food safety.
The measure against corruption finds large segments of civil society in favor, which in 2011 publicly demonstrated, under the guidance of the leader Anna Hazare. Supporting the initiative of the Government, the Indian Church reiterates that "transparency, morality in public and private life, the fight against corruption in society are in the DNA of society’s commitment of all Christians". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 21/12/2011)
