ASIA/CHINA - More than 100 000 euros between offers and material goods collected in the traditional Christmas charity event sponsored by Jinde Charities

Monday, 19 December 2011

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - More than 100 000 euros were collected between offerts and material goods collected during the traditional Christmas charity event organized by Jinde Charities, the charitable Chinese Catholic organization. During the evening 50 000 euros were collected in cash and other 50 000 euros regarding material goods such as quilts, medicines, foodstuffs. The evening, however, was above all a great opportunity to raise society’s awareness towards Christian charity. As reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei, the tradition of this evening has been going on for seven years. The event was held on December 17 with a vast participation of non-Catholic and Catholic groups, Chinese and foreigners, such as Irish Network China, all united for the same goal of supporting the charitable work of the Catholic Jinde Charities intended for the poor, the elderly, children, orphans, the sick, earthquake victims and to all poor families and vulnerable groups in need, without distinction of religion, ethnicity or social class. As confirmed by the head of Jinde Charities on summarizing the work report carried out during the year, "to serve our brethren as Jesus taught us is always our only goal." The event was broadcast on local television and extensively re-launched by the regional media, stressing that the initiative now has 7 years of Catholic tradition and transparency in the use of the funds raised. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 19/12/2011)
