ASIA/CHINA - The Catholic community intensifies its efforts to spread Christmas values in society

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - In Beijing, Shanghai, Shi Jiang Zhuang (capital of the province of He Bei) and in many other cities, large and small, Chinese Catholics are preparing the traditional Christmas concert, a high level of artistic and cultural heritage, in order to welcome the Christmas season and to evangelize society by spreading Christmas values through music. The Chinese Catholic community lives in fact its preparatory journey towards Christmas by strengthening faith, evangelization, charity, spirituality and solidarity. Fides received a lot of information regarding past days initiatives and events, which draw a colorful picture of how Catholics live in China waiting for the Lord. For example, the reconciliation of Christian and non-Christian families is the main theme of the diocese of Fen Yang, Shan Xi province. As every year, the Chinese Catholic charitable organization, Jinde Charities organizes the Christmas charity event to support the social service which promotes commitment and Christian spirit. Many dioceses have already published on their website the times and details of Christmas Mass celebrations in this period. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2011)
