AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - The Diocese of Bafatá celebrates ten years: "the virtue of hope has always illuminated our diocesan path "

Friday, 16 December 2011

Bafatá (Agenzia Fides) – Mgr. Carlos Pedro Zilli, Bishop of Bafatá, issued a pastoral Letter addressed to the entire diocese that this year 2011 celebrates its tenth anniversary, having been founded by Blessed John Paul II on March 13, 2001. According to information sent to Agenzia Fides from the Curia of Bissau, in the Letter, dated December 3, 2011, Memorial of St. Francis Xavier, Patron of the Missions, the Bishop points out that "the path taken by the Diocese of Bafatá, in its first ten years of existence, cost a lot. There have been many difficulties we have experienced, some dictated by the contingencies of history and others beyond our limitations. However, the virtue of hope has always illuminated our diocesan path in its communion with the Diocese of Bissau, with the Church in Africa and with the universal Church".
In his Letter Mgr. Zilli looks at different aspects that permeate the ecclesial and social life of the diocese, such as the first proclamation, inculturation, catechists, formation, family, youth, vocations, economy and social commitment. He is pleased that "the path of evangelization of the Church in Guinea-Bissau has been great. A path which, seen in more detail, leads us to overcome any fatigue and renew our hope that 'does not disappoint.' "The Bishop of Bafatá thus emphasizes that" as Christians we are called in first person to work for the harmonious development of society " and then cites the "great gift" of the apostolic Exhortation "Africae Munus ", in which Pope Benedict XVI says that we must renew our faith and our hope, thus contributing to the construction of an Africa reconciled. (SL) (Fides 16/12/2011)
