VATICAN - The Pope to the new ambassadors: "It is important to have a maintain a positive vision of solidarity, the real driving force of integral human development"

Friday, 16 December 2011

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Eleven new ambassadors to the Holy See were received in audience by Pope Benedict XVI on December 15, for the submission of the Letters of Credence. From the representatives of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, the Swiss Confederation, Burundi, Thailand, Pakistan, Mozambique, Kyrgyzstan, to the Principality of Andorra, Sri Lanka and Burkina Faso, the Pope recalled how the unity of the human family is "an undeniable fact" thanks to the communications media which bring all regions of the planet together, transport, commercial ties, and problems "of global dimension such as environmental protection and mass migration". Sometimes, however, this awareness is perceived "as a burden in that it significantly broadens the scope of everyone’s responsibility and gives the resolution of problems a complexity much greater than the protagonists involved". However, "the gaze of humanity on itself must evolve to discover in this interdependence not a threat, but an advantage ... We are all responsible for everyone and it is important to have a positive conception of solidarity. This is the real driving force of integral human development that enables humanity to move towards its fulfillment".
The Holy Father then talked about the concept of "intergenerational solidarity" which "finds its roots in the family, which should be supported to continue to fulfill its core mission in society. At the same time, to broaden the field of solidarity and promote it in the long term, the education of young people is the preferred way". The Pope then encouraged everyone, especially the leaders, "to show their creativity, and use it to take the necessary measures to give the youth the fundamental ethical basis, especially by helping to form and to combat social illnesses such as unemployment, drugs, crime and disrespect of the person". Then he continued: "pluralism of cultures and religions does not contradict the joint search for truth, goodness and beauty". The Church, therefore, encourages men and women to entrust themselves to a reason which, if purified by faith, becomes "capable of seeing beyond partisan interests in order to discern the universal good necessary to all human beings: peace and social and religious harmony are the most desired and linked not only to a fair and adequate legislative framework, but also the high moral stature of all citizens".
Addressing the new ambassadors Benedict XVI said: "The new challenges your countries are facing require a mobilization of human intellect and creativity in order to fight against poverty and to make a more effective and healthy use of available energy and resources". Finally, the Pope urged to ensure "respect and promote human dignity against any attempt to circumscribe or even deny it, or exploitation of a person ... It is based on the concept of the integral development of the human person that solidarity can be realized and allow greater justice. "(SL) (Agenzia Fides 16/12/2011)
