Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - The decision of the Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF) to authorize Chandler Burr, a U.S. citizen with homosexual tendencies, to adopt two children aged 9 and 13, "is not the ideal case" is what is underlined in a statement sent to Agenzia Fides by His Exc. Mgr. Juan Vicente Cordoba, Bishop of the diocese of Fontibon and Secretary General of the Colombian Episcopal Conference. The Archbishop also spoke to a local radio station to highlight that it is a "sensitive issue" and that the ICBF had to analyze this request "very carefully". This means, explained the Bishop, analyzing the conditions offered by the people, as the situation of the family, maternal and paternal affection, security and the guarantee of adopted children, as well as psychological, emotional and even spiritual conditions. Mgr. Cordoba made it clear that in this case it is necessary to analyze the situation and the psychological maturity of the citizen from the United States, as well as that of adopted children. The Catholic Church in Colombia has always raised her voice when it comes to the safety and protection of children, and has declared herself against the adoption of children on behalf of homosexual couples. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 14/12/2011)