AMERICA/UNITED STATES - "A fair immigration reform, humane and effective": letter of 33 Bishops

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Los Angeles (Agenzia Fides) - There are 33 Catholic Bishops of the United States of America, of Hispanic origin, who have called for "a fair immigration reform, humane and effective" and have assured undocumented immigrants that "they are not alone or forgotten: "they did it in a letter published on the occasion of the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe, on December 12. The letter, addressed to immigrants, was read by His Exc. Mgr. Jose Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles, at the end of the Mass for the "Las Mañanitas" (serenade) to the Virgin of Guadalupe, celebrated in the Cathedral of Los Angeles, which was attended by more than 2,500 people. Mgr. Jose Gomez has urged the authorities to make an immigration reform that gives dignity to more than 12 million immigrants considered by the Catholic Church, "the revitalizing strength" of the country.
"An immigrant, anywhere in the world, moving from one country to another goes through periods of suffering, which in part is equal to the suffering that our Lord Jesus Christ had to go through when he gave his life for each one of us" said the Archbishop on commenting the letter to the press. "Some take advantage of this climate of uncertainty to despise the migrants and also to give them the blame for this crisis, but sowing hatred does not lead us to find a remedy to the crisis. We must find the cure in solidarity," Mgr. Gomez concluded.
In the letter the Bishops turn to immigrants with these words: "Many of you do the toughest jobs with poor wages, no health insurance, no social benefits. Despite your contribution to the welfare of our country, instead of offering gratitude, you are treated like criminals because you have violated the current immigration law. We are also deeply aware of the pain of the families who have suffered the deportation of one of their members", the Bishops write, citing the fact that many children are left without parents because they are expelled from the country (see Fides 12/12/2011). (CE) (Agenzia Fides 14/12/2011)
