ASIA/PAKISTAN-New accommodation for prisoners of Christian faith: more prayer, less persecution

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - The prisoners of Christian faith in the district prison of Faisalabad (in Punjab), from now on they will be housed in a separate dormitary. As reported to Fides by local sources, the building, opened by prison authorities in recent days in response to the pressing demands of some priests and Christian leaders, meets two basic requirements: to take Christian prisoners away from violence, abuse and persecution they received on behalf of Muslim prisoners; make their access to the chapel easier for them, which is located near the new housing, and allow the faithful to profess and practice their faith without hindrance.
Pastor Samson Javed, one of the main promoters of the dormitory, said that Christians detainees are those who suffer the most in prison: "They are victims of bullying, abuse, criminal acts, discrimination. So much so that a certain number of Christians in prison were forced to convert to Islam to avoid persecution. "For this reason, the implementation of the dormitories "was urgent" and, according to Christian leaders, "should set an example for all Pakistani jails".
Most Christians in prison – note local sources of Fides - are unjustly convicted or imprisoned for false charges of blasphemy or because of debts incurred within the feudal system in Pakistan. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 14/12/2011)
