ASIA/TAIWAN - Historic handover at the Sanctuary of Wan Chin: from the Dominicans of the Spanish province, after 150 years of service, to those of the Chinese province

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Kao Hsiung (Agenzia Fides) - The Dominicans, protagonists of the second evangelization of the island of Taiwan have lived another page linked to their historical mission. In fact, after 150 years of service, the pastoral care of the Marian Shrine of Wan Chin, in the diocese of Kao Hsiung, ans changed from the Dominicans of the Spanish province to those of the province of China. According to the information gathered by Fides, the solemn celebration took place on 11 December, the day of the Feast of the Basilica-Sanctuary dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. Over 11 thousand faithful attended the ceremony presided by Cardinal Paul Shan, Bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Kao Hsiung. Together with the Cardinal there was His Exc. Mgr. Peter Liu, Archbishop of the Diocese of Kao Hsiung; Fr. Javier Gonzalez Izquierdo, OP, provincial Superior of the Spanish Dominican Province; Fr Vincent Lee, OP, provincial Superior of the province of China; Fr. Ruben Martinez, Rector of the Sanctuary and 54 among Bishops and priests. In his homily Mgr.Liu said: "It is great to see so many faithful, because everyone is an apostle to lead 23 million Taiwanese to God". The solemn procession of delegates from the 7 dioceses in Taiwan took place in the afternoon that ended with the blessing.
On December 17 "The march of 150 years of evangelization" will take place that will highlight the difficult missionary path of the Dominicans, retracing the same route of the first Dominican missionaries. The people who will participate in the march will be divided into three groups: the missionaries (priests, men and women religious, seminarians and pastoral workers), the group of evangelists (all those who want to be evangelists), the group of the People of God.
The history of the Basilica-Sanctuary coincides with the second evangelization of the island of Taiwan, thanks to the work of the Spanish Dominican missionaries who landed there in 1861. In 1863 a small church was built of mud, which collapsed during the earthquake in 1865. Another was rebuilt and consecrated on December 8, 1870, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. During the Second World War, in 1944, the Japanese invaders used the church as a command. During the American bombing in 1945, the church miraculously was unharmed. On July 20, 1984 Pope John Paul II elevated the church to the rank of minor Basilica, so it became the second Chinese basilica after the basilica dedicated to Our Lady Help of Christians (or Our Lady of She Shan) in the diocese of Shanghai. Every year on December 8, pilgrims flock here from all over the world. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 14/12/2011)
