Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, December 8, at the national headquarters of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Brasilia, the 16th National Assembly on Missionary Childhood and Adolescence (IAM) started, which ends on Sunday, December 11 . According to the note sent to Agenzia Fides from PMS in Brazil, there are 25 participants representing all states of Brazil, except for the Mato Grosso and Parana. The activities started last night with a prayer led by 30 children of the IAM of the parish of St. John the Baptist of Gama (DF), followed by the moment of reception and presentation of the participants.
The conferences are handled by four priests of the PMS and the Editorial Coordinator of Editions - CNBB, Father Valdir dos Santos Goulart. The first morning will be devoted to spirituality, led by former National Director of the PMS (1989-1999), Father Joao Panazzolo. The Executive Director of the Mission Cultural Center (JCC), Father Stefano Raschietti; the President of the Conference of the Religious of Brazil (CRB), Sister Marian Abrósio; the Archbishop of Brasilia, His Exc. Mgr. Sergio da Rocha have been invited. There will also be the winner of the Design Competition organized by the IAM, the 11-year-old Mayara Pinheiro Mendes, and her mother.
The dynamics of the Assembly has been divided into four phases, according to the methodology of the IAM, illustrated by the National Secretary of the IAM, Father André Luiz de Negreiros: "In the first part (see) the topic will be the progress made so far, the difficulties, and hopes. In the second part (illuminate) one enters in the moment of missionary spirituality, ie, we focus on the charisma of the IAM. In acting, we will see the moment of the action of formation and spirituality in the missionary work and this will provide us a basis for action in state, regional and diocesan offices. In the part concerning the celebration, we will have space for the planning of the IAM in 2012". Father Andre has also announced that in two years time we will celebrate the Year of Missionary Childhood and Adolescence in Brazil, and this subject will be discussed during this meeting. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 09/12/2011)