ASIA/CHINA - The celebration of the Immaculate in the parish of Feng Xi, an opportunity to get to know the figure of the Madonna to non-Christians

Friday, 9 December 2011

Tai Yuan (Agenzia Fides) - To make known to the non-Christian humility, patience, kindness, obedience and many other excellent virtues of Our Lady: This was one of the objectives of the solemn celebration of the Immaculate Conception, on 8 December, in the parish of Feng Xi in the diocese of Yuan in Tai Shan Xi province, which is dedicated to the Immaculate. According to what Faith of He Bei reports to Fides, more than 700 faithful of the parish attended the solemn Mass celebrated in the morning, being in China a working day, and many non-Christians joined the community. In the homily the parish priest focused his reflection "on the history of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and the figure of Our Lady, inviting the faithful to imitate Mary and her virtues". He also said that "the feast of the Immaculate Conception is also an opportunity to glorify God, to strengthen our solidarity and Christian brotherhood by putting a good foundation for evangelism". So "as the first Christian communities, today we have prepared a rich feast to welcome our non-Christian friends present, who have come to share our feast of Mary and our Christian fellowship".
The parish of Feng Xi is a very active community in evangelization and ministry. Every occasion is reason to evangelize the people, promote the Catholics’ life of faith and make a living testimony. Even the liturgical feasts are experienced as many missionary opportunities. The parish organizes spiritual retreats, the formation of faith and mission. The lay groups are very active and leaders of parish life, including the Franciscan Third Order, the group of the Rosary, Charity, evangelization, bringing the Gospel to remote villages. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 09/12/2011)
