ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Peace with the Islamic rebels in three months: the government's commitment

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Manila (Agenzia Fides) - The government of Manila intends to sign within three months a new peace treaty with Muslim rebels in the southern Philippines: this is what the government delegation says during a new round of peace negotiations with the Islamic groups, held in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur. The government’s aim, explain sources of Fides, is to officially put an end to hostilities with the militants "Moro Islamic Liberation Front" (MILF). The relationship is once again very tense when after, last October, MILF rebels killed 19 Philippine soldiers in an ambush on the island of Basilan. After the incident, the conflict intensified, resulting in an increase of displaced persons. Despite heavy pressure on President Benigno Aquino, to interrupt the negotiations and launch a real war against the MILF, Aquino instructed to continue negotiations.
Meanwhile, in Mindanao, there is yet another kidnapping for extortion: the victim is an Australian citizen Warren Rodwell (the 10th in 2011), who was kidnapped in the town of Ipil. In the area raging bands of outlaws target Western citizens, tourists, priests and missionaries, in order to raise money and fund guerrilla activities.
Instead, the "Week of Peace in Mindanao" has just concluded, organized by the Christian and Muslim religious leaders of the "Bishops-Ulama Forum" (BUF), held from November 28 to December 4. The initiative, the organizers explain to Fides, is aimed at "creating a culture of peace among the people of Mindanao". The Week, celebrated in every province of the island, saw the participation of several associations, religious institutes, Christian and Muslim schools and universities, which have given birth to meetings and celebrations. From December 7 to 9 the "Muslim-Christian Youth Peace Camp" will be held, which involves young Christians and Muslims in an experience of dialogue, reflection and common life, in order to contribute to social peace. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 07/12/2011)
