AMERICA/MEXICO-Stop the pre-election excitement and solve real problems, asks the Archdiocese of Mexico, including the indifference and contempt for migrants

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The Archdiocese of Mexico has asked all the political institutions of the country to stop the pre-election "excitement" and to deal responsibly with national emergencies that are far from the unbridled lust for power of a few: the expanding spiral of violence, the crisis that continues to generate so many poor and corruption, which makes Mexico a place of death for migrants, be they Mexican or Central American.
In its official organ of information, "Desde La Fe", the Archdiocese harshly criticizes the fact that the ruling class and politics, the media and the public opinion in general, are dedicated almost entirely to trivial matters before the real national problems. In particular, the text sent to Agenzia Fides complains about, "laziness, indifference and apparently also the contempt of politicians towards migrants. They are all more committed to the protection of their personal interests than the ordeal of our Mexican brothers who live in the nearby town of the North. "The political class has managed to completely avoid this key issue in public debate.
This sluggishness has allowed, as it had never happened before in the United States, to issue laws one after another against the dignity of migrants and their basic human rights, "without seeing a significant response of our government against the arrogant, xenophobic and racist attitude of that country" is what is written in the editorial. "The immigration reform approved in Mexico must not remain a dead letter", the text continues."The federal government itself must ensure the implementation of the law that protects our Central American brothers, and thus put an end to corruption and violence that kills innocent people every day, who are looking for a job and a life worthy to be called human" concludes the text. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 07/12/2011)
