AMERICA/PERU -Calm returns in Cajamarca, the Church supports dialogue for a permanent solution

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Cajamarca (Agenzia Fides) - The city of Cajamarca is returning to its normal activities without any kind of public concern, said the Minister of the Interior, Oscar Valdes Dancuart yesterday, speaking to a national radio station. The markets are open and students return to school after the declaration of a state of emergency in four provinces of Cajamarca as a result of the regional protest against the mining project Conga (see Fides 25/11/2011). The Army is working with the police to ensure public safety although not necessary, the minister stressed, recalling that the government continues to present its proposal for dialogue to reach a final agreement.
The President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos, Archbishop of Trujillo, attended the meeting on Sunday, December 4, which was attended by the Chief of cabinet, Salomon Lerner Ghitis, and other Ministers, with regional authorities and social organizations of Cajamarca, to find a solution to the problem. The Archbishop launched an appeal: "We all gain through dialogue, with violence we all lose, it is hoped that there is really no more violence and that all this is finally resolved", he said, complaining however that, after several hours of meetings and when it seemed that everything ended well, in the end the agreement was not signed between the parties.
For this Archbishop Cabrejos invited the leaders of Cajamarca who want to continue their regional protest against the mining project, to avoid any act of violence or bloodshed, and stressed the desire for dialogue by the government, which asked the suspension of mining operations in Yanacocha in the mining project Conga. Even Archbishop José Carmelo Martínez Lázaro, OAR, Bishop of the Diocese of Cajamarca, had issued a statement last November 30 which demanded dialogue on behalf of the parties involved and respect for the natural environment, a source of resources for the community.
From the information gathered by Fides, we learn that, according to the Regional Council of Cajamarca, which represents the local community, the project will not start and an order of arrest for these activities was approved, while the central government still has not oficially decided. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 06/12/2011)
