ASIA/PAKISTAN - The Bishops: yes to the "National Human Rights Commission"

Monday, 5 December 2011

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - The Commission "Justice and Peace" of the Bishops of Pakistan strongly supports the establishment of a "National Human Rights Commission" - NHRC in the Pakistani government: So says Peter Jacob, executive Secretary of the Commission "Justice and Peace", in a note sent to Fides. The bill institute it has reached Parliament and this, according to Jacob, "is good news."
Jacob recalls that a similar Commission exists in many nations, and have found a benefit for the strengthening of norms and values based on human dignity and rights. "Creating a special institute for human rights will have an added value in the present circumstances in Pakistan," notes the Secretary. Provided that the Commission is guaranteed by real independence, and therefore real effectiveness, "it can give new life to the dream of a democratic and independent Pakistan, beyond the political rhetoric." However it would be a great challenge for the Commission to work "in the midst of a weak government machinery": just imagine "the flood of complaints" that are expected. The Secretary notes that "the impact of this initiative will depend largely on the role assigned to this institution" and the institutional relationships and responsibilities it should have towards the various Ministries and Parliament.
"The biggest challenge - Jacob concludes - is to build a culture of human rights in the social, legal and political systems that have become opposite to freedom. If the political commitment support the rights of people, this commitment must be translated into action-oriented strongly to that effect, and real results". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/12/2011)
